Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Help! I'm drowning.

School has been keeping me busy and giving me lots of stress. I've had tons of homework. I have at least one test every week. I feel as if I am drowning in textbooks and homework. I'm frightened that I won't pass my classes or get a C. I've gotten mostly A's and B's in the past. So a C is pretty bad for me. I feel so overwhelmed.


Gonzalinho said...

HI, your article is interesting

exceseme if my englis is not good, I am from Bolivia (south america), so I speak spanish

well, i was visitng your blog and it is cool,
go ahead

if you can undersatand or traduce spanish visit my blog


hasta la vista baby

Miriam said...

You made me laugh Gonzalinho. Saying hasta la vista baby just seemed funny. Usually people don't call me baby.