Friday, October 19, 2007

What Is The Point?

People tell me I have to go to college.

I say, why do I have to go to college?

They say, so you can get a good job.

I teach karate. I like teaching karate. I want to teach karate. Why do I need to spend all the time to get a degree if I'm never going to use it.

But you need a good job that will make money.

Why do I have to make lots of money? What is life? Is it going to college so you can get a degree so you can get a good job so you can make lots of money so you can buy lots of stuff and go to lots of places so you can be very happy so you can have kids so they can go to college so they can get a degree so they can get a good job so they can make lots of money.........? I would like to think that life is about living for God not about money. I really don't care about money right now. I just want to teach karate and make enough to support myself in a humble fashion. I want to serve in my church. I want to have time for relationships. Isn't that what life is about? Relationships. Our relationship with God should be most important and relationships with others should have priority over everything else. I want to do what God wants. I'm not sure what He wants right now. But I don't feel led or excited to go to college. Am I off based? Are my ideas wacky? Am I wrong for thinking this way?

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