Thursday, May 17, 2007

Finals and Summer Plans

I'm excited that tomorrow is the last day of school. I have had a lot of fun this semester, but I'm looking forward to the summer. My favorite class this semester has definitly been intro biology. My teacher made it fun and exciting.

Finals are next week. I feel a little nervous about my spanish final. I don't know if I can pass. And I have to pass the final in order to pass the class.

My plans for the summer are:

1) getting to know God more (this is my goal for the rest of my life)
2) karate (teaching, learning and competing)
3) camp (I'm going to be a counselor for a week at a christian camp)
4) spending time with family and friends
5) be more responsible (I hate this one because it means that I have to be diligent and not lazy. My father wants me to be more
responsible and helpful. I want to prove myself to him and make him happy)

1 comment:

Miriam said...

My father just told me that he wants me to keep house this summer. This is responsiblity being dumped on me. I guess I'll be much busier than I thought. Let's, cleaning, laundry, washing, organizing.... yes I will be busy.