Monday, November 1, 2010


A lot of college students enjoy their new freedom away from their parents. I was thinking about how so many of them get themselves into trouble experimenting or doing things that would really upset their parents if they found out.

I'm different. The most "out there" thing that I have done is to go into a Halloween store for the first time, actually go out and get candy at a Halloween event this year, and earlier this semester, watch Harry Potter. I've decided that my parents have done a good job brainwashing me into thinking that Halloween is a dark holiday that I should have nothing to do with. Or maybe it is a dark holiday that I shouldn't participate in. The Halloween store was creepy and I was glad to leave. I sometimes wonder why I'm so sensitive to stuff. Is Halloween just a harmless holiday or should we have nothing to do with it? Or should we just stay in the middle and say it's okay as long as we have "festivals" at our church that night and don't call it Halloween. Maybe it's okay to celebrate as long as we dress up like Bible characters and hand out tracts along with candy to all the trick or treaters.

All I know is that while watching Harry Potter is fun, for some reason when all the witches, vampires, ghosts and other characters come out on Halloween they creep me out. I feel sorry for my kids someday because I will be hiding in the house drinking tea and reading on Halloween because I'm too scared by the commotion outside. Perhaps their father will have pity on our poor costume and candy deprived kids and take them out trick or treating.


TheSacredOwl said...

You were raised very smartly, Mir. Halloween is different in the eyes of each person or family--and yeah; going around trick-or-treating to strangers houses and dressing up like characters can do damage (as well as the candy that decays our teeth).

Halloween means different, but if it's something that a particular individual is uncomfortable with--there's no law or moral obligation to abide by the traditions. That's why people shut their porch lights off or just hangout at someone's house. =]

Joel Yap said...

Your parents did a good job indeed. Thank God for them!
Nothing too much to worry about the Halloween thing. While there may many Christians who believe the festival is harmless, there certainly others with different opinions.

I personally believe Halloween, alike idol images and food offered to idols, is totally harmless since we have the Holy Ghost on our side. However celebrating it has no meaning. I don't see the purpose of trick or treat. You could use that kind of time to engage in more productive activities rather than dress up in weird outfits.

No need to pity your children before they're even born. Surely you'll raise them up just as well as your parents raised you, if not better.