Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I've been sick with a cough for the past few days. It's sorta annoying to go from hectic busy schedule to now spending the whole day at home. But I still manage to keep myself occupied. My computer keeps me busy chatting with my boyfriend, watching Hulu, blogging and facebook. I cooked dinner last night which wiped me out and then I went to bed early.

Coughing is annoying because it makes your lungs hurt, your ribs and back ache and gives you a headache and a sore throat. But you all know that because you have had coughs before. I guess I'm just being impatient today. I want to be over this sickness. I'm tired of all this.

1 comment:

TheSacredOwl said...

You will be over this sickness, babe--hang in there, okay?