Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My Testimony

I was born into a christian family. I accepted Christ as my Saviour when I was seven or eight at a Vacation Bible Club. I don't remember much about that. But I do remember the change. It is amazing to see my journey and how God has been so patient with me. My spiritual life has been somewhat like a roller coaster. I have ups and downs. During my junior high and high school years God seemed very real and close. I had awesome experiences attending youth group, going on a missions trip to Mexico, attending SLAM (a week long youth conference on evangelism), and working at Camp Good News.

But then a few things happened. Our pastor left the church to minister elsewhere and we had an interim for a year. Then we got a new pastor. Personally I was drifting away from God. He didn't seem close at all. I was living in sin. To tell you the truth I was struggling with lust. I didn't feel worthy to talk to God or read His Word. I felt dirty. Last summer I was a counselor at Camp Good News again. When I arrived I asked myself "What are you doing here?" I was not a good example. I was not even reading my Bible. I was miserable.

Then God woke me up. I caught whooping cough at camp and was sick for the rest of the summer and fall. God brought me to the lowest point in my life. I was struggling to breath. I cried out to God "please heal me" but he did not. Finally one night as I cried I begged God's forgiveness and deliverance from my sin. God heard my cry and healed me. Since then I have grown closer to God. I still struggle with lust but now I have faith in God's love and mercy. I refuse to let Satan use guilt to keep me away from glorifying God.

1 comment:

Miriam said...

I recently found the Bible that I received when I accepted Christ. It had the date and I realized that I was five years old then.