Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Do we have to forgive those who have never asked for our forgiveness? If they refuse to apologize, are we still supposed to forgive?

Please post your answers.


Kyle said...

What would Jesus do? Did the adulteress necessarily ask? How many times did Jesus tell Peter to forgive? Didn't Jesus tell us to judge as we would want to be judged? Doesn't mercy come to the merciful? Don't both of the Greatest Commandments say "Love..."? From the three greatest virtues, faith, hope and love, isn't love the greatest? Isn't vengeance the Lord's? Just pray about it: He has the answers.

Idhrendur said...

Yes. Jesus never put conditions on that command.

However, that doesn't mean that you necessaruly resume the relationship/friendship/whatever. That is an entirely seperate issue from forgiveness.

Miriam said...

Thank you for insight. Please pray for me.

Joel Yap said...

Yeah I guess we are forgiven to forgive, and from the Lord's prayer, we ask for God's forgiveness as we forgive others.

Easy to say but hard to do.

Hope we will all learn how to manage anger and be ever ready to forgive.
It's a continual and lifelong process. So, together we learn, together we grow!