Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Swing Dancing

I went swing dancing last night with some of my friends. I was dancing with this one guy (he was a really good dancer) when he dipped my at the end of the dance. I laughed because it made me nervous. "I guess that makes me nervous because I have a problem trusting guys", I told him. He understood since we had just met.
So I went home thinking about how you have to trust a guy when you are dancing. You have to trust that he won't drop you when he dips you. I then thought how it compared to trusting God. I have to trust that God won't "drop me". But the difference is that I didn't know the guy but I know God. God is God. God won't let me down or fail me. It is amazing that we can put our trust in such a Mighty God who never fails.

1 comment:

Joel Yap said...

God is God and He is good.